Friday, April 27, 2007

Hot sauce makes you think funny things...

I was sitting during my lunch hour, enjoying a yummy bowl of teriyaki veggies and rice when it hit me. Six months ago, never would I have imagined that I would be sitting in my own corner office, overlooking Bay St, eating teriyaki. What had happened? What brought me to this place?

At this moment, a co-worker popped her head into my office.

"Your lunch smells good! Ohmygod! AreyouOKAY?"

"Oh yeah, uhhh, this hot sauce is a little strong...but so good!" *I wipe my runny nose and blink away the tears*

"Uhhh, okay. I'll see you at the meeting."

Meeting? Oh yeah...they let me go to those here! Six months ago, the idea to a meeting would have been unheard of! Being the one with the least seniority meant that your role was to let others make you remember that you were the newbie. Responsibility meant throwing more at you than you could handle, until you were forced to ask for help, which of course was a sign of weakness. Any mistakes were tallied at the end of the day and reviewed. Not with you of course. But while you were in the room, working independently, and not supposed to be reviewed. If you did become overwhelmed and ask for help, if someone else made an error doing your work, they were not reprimanded. But if you made the mistake...well the next time you were ever sick, you could definitely count on being written up for it. Sick days of course were not given.

But the idea of also having money in my bank account. Like actual savings. I think over the 6 months I worked at my previous job, I managed to save $1000. I thought that was a big deal, since one paycheck alone would be used up in rent and transportation costs. But the crazy thing is, the entire time I was there, i grateful I was there. I never expected anything better. I never really imagined anything better. I believed that once I paid my dues, once I gained more experience, once I proved myself...but that never happened.

What did happen was this job. Which, Alhamdulillah, is amazing. I'm learning new things, meeting new people, given more responsibility than I think I can handle, actually informing decisions on things that will affect the province! I was told that I'd be travelling on business in the next coming weeks. ME! Travelling! Representing the Ministry! And they actually want to pay for it! Mindblowing. So much so that it's even hard to write about it. I've been given an opportunity, but the odd thing is, it seems to have been handed to me. I don't remember ever wanting this or preparing for it or contemplating it. But it's here now. I'm trying to make the most of it, because life is moving at such a pace that I can't anticipate what's around the corner for me. Strange isn't it? We spend so much time living that we don't take time to reflect, but it's not until we reflect that we come to understand how grateful we should be for what we have.


Anonymous said...

Indeed. This was my dream for you.

I'm kidding, my dreams for you, believe it or not, go beyond the corner office--as much as I LOVE that!!!

But yes, I sometimes get really scared when a whole bunch of good things come my way, but I'm slowly starting to realize that the best way to be grateful is to always be grateful--for the little things the big things, the insignificant things, everything. Focussing on the source of all this goodness helps me feel calmer too. Not that you need calming or anything. I'm just sharing is all. Sharing sharing, love, joy, smile.


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you're happier in the corner office!

Anonymous said...

Hate to break it to ya sis, but teriyaki is made from sake, which is alcohol...

May Allaah swt reward you with other types of delicious meals in this dunya and in jannah, inshaAllaah!

BanikaB said...

Say it ain't Sso!!! =O

I took a look at the bottle of teriyaki sauce I have at home, and the ingredients are as follows:

Naturally brewed soya sauce (water, soya bean, wheat flour), sugar, vinegar, salted lemon, ginger, spices.

I guess Y&Y Brand came through for me! Cheapness DOES save you more than just money!!!

Anonymous said...

Ahahaha, MABROOK!

So there was baraka/blessing in that teriyaki-like sauce that you bought; it was both halal AND ....inexpensive hehe so cute

Anonymous said...

Hey Anika :) I'm still the newbie at my workplace too and my first day there I was thrown into a daylong meeting where I sat with a blank face throughout not knowing what was going on. Well, a month later I don't think too much has changed! But your job sounds awesome Masha'Allah, you're so lucky working for the Ministry!!!

Roohi said...

I want a corner office.

And I wanna go on the trips with you.

Ok, fine, I don't really want a corner office, but I do wanna go on a trip with YOU!

I'm working on that...well, ok fine, I lied! I can't work on it until after I get married. BUT AFTER! We're SO going on a trip! Whether you like it or NOT!

(but you would like that right? :|)

BanikaB said...

Shoilers - You're strange and unusual posts make my day!

Ruby - Thanks for the message! My office is small, but it's mine! Which is more than I can say about owning 3 walls of a cubicle. =P

aw - Y&Y Brand...that is the way to go for Asian sauces!

Shaz - You job will get better too InshaAllah! The first couple of weeks were SO boring for me. I think I did every online quiz known to man. You can ask Roohi for evidence of this, because I shared my results with her.

Roohi - I'm going to Thunder Bay. I wish you could come...besides the conference, there isn't anything else to do there! At leaset if you came, we could order room service and charge it to the government!!! =P

AKA said...

I am so very proud of you my Anika. Forget corner office, you deserve to run the place - and inshAllah you will one day!

I began to seriously take my position of being here in school for granted. And then I just sat at my desk one day last week and shook my head, bewildered at how life takes you so many different places than you'd ever thought.

So...travelling for the "Ministry" eh? This wouldn't be travelling by floo powder for a certain Minsitry of Magic would it!?!?