Tuesday, August 21, 2007


I seem to have taken a hiatus from blogging. Well, perhaps not a hiatus per se as I was never a regular blogger to begin with, but I have taken an unscheduled break. A lot of things happened, many of which were blog-worthy. And I swear, every morning on the TTC ride to work I come up with some great ideas. But when I sit down at my desk, all the creativity gets sucked right out of me.

*Shocking realization alert*
The government does suck your personality out of you. Wow...I had no idea until I just wrote that sentence above that working here has done that to me.

Anyway, whenever I started a post up until now, it always felt contrived. So I thought to myself, why not pay tribute to all things contrived in this contrived post? Here goes...
  • The movie, Becoming Jane. All of it. Every single minute
  • My branch's management and their approach to "the staff"
  • Stephen Harper's attitude to everything that matters
  • My attitude towards the state of my sister's hair
  • Small talk with Aunties who want me to marry their sons
  • My interest in their sons
  • Canada's attempt at showing the world that they really do care about soccer
  • The entire Heidi-Spencer story line from The Hills
  • People who buy organic bananas
  • The idea of young mall walkers

Any to add?