Tuesday, August 21, 2007


I seem to have taken a hiatus from blogging. Well, perhaps not a hiatus per se as I was never a regular blogger to begin with, but I have taken an unscheduled break. A lot of things happened, many of which were blog-worthy. And I swear, every morning on the TTC ride to work I come up with some great ideas. But when I sit down at my desk, all the creativity gets sucked right out of me.

*Shocking realization alert*
The government does suck your personality out of you. Wow...I had no idea until I just wrote that sentence above that working here has done that to me.

Anyway, whenever I started a post up until now, it always felt contrived. So I thought to myself, why not pay tribute to all things contrived in this contrived post? Here goes...
  • The movie, Becoming Jane. All of it. Every single minute
  • My branch's management and their approach to "the staff"
  • Stephen Harper's attitude to everything that matters
  • My attitude towards the state of my sister's hair
  • Small talk with Aunties who want me to marry their sons
  • My interest in their sons
  • Canada's attempt at showing the world that they really do care about soccer
  • The entire Heidi-Spencer story line from The Hills
  • People who buy organic bananas
  • The idea of young mall walkers

Any to add?


'liya said...

Wait, what's wrong with organic bananas?!

Sarah said...

your interest in their sons.. or lack of interest in them? :P

Let's do lunch! or come down to Btown... ohhhh u coming to wedding on Saturday!!! YAY!! I think you are.. or wait.. maybe ur not.. awww nuts!!

BanikaB said...

Liya - Maybe I should have been clearer. People who eating organic bananas to avoid ingesting harmful chemicals. (there's no point because you peel off the skin anyway!) I just think they're keeners. =P

Sarah - I'll be there. We shall be decked out, all glamorous and what not. Actually, you probably will be. I'm too tired to look nice. =(

Hafsa said...

Why do I have a feeling you work downtown?

lol.. no i'm not stalking you ;)

Anonymous said...

You're hilarious chickie! I now want to know exactly what your sister's hair looks like as I completely understand the rest!

BanikaB said...
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BanikaB said...
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BanikaB said...

Hafsa - You probably get that feeling cause you're right. But who knows, maybe you get feelings when you think you're not right. =P

Ruby - Hmmm, how to explain my sister. Think Paki Barbie, only more South American.

Take her face
her hair

Even her bad hair days are good hair days, so why should I continue giving my opinion?

***Sorry for the deleted comments. My links weren't working so I tried a couple times.

Hafsa said...

umm.. are confirming that you work downtown? lol

Anonymous said...

[flower] Your romantic ride with Asima.

BanikaB said...

Hahaha, Hafsa, I fear I may have been too cryptic with you. Let's try this again --> Yes, I do.

Am - My romantic (moonlight) drive with her was not contrived. It was like a lovely lovely dream. =)

Anonymous said...

i'm so sorry, but I really liked Becoming Jane. You can slap me later, but I'm even going to buy it when it comes out on dvd on September 10th.

another contrived thing...let's add...believing that real life will ever, ever, resemble those love-locked gazes that we see in movies.

and yet...I'm still getting becoming jane. shrug.

Roohi said...

Kids suck the energy out of you.