Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Man in the the Moon (my secret's out)

I remember watching a movie once when I was younger. The memories are still pretty vivid - it was a Saturday afternoon in the summer, I was sitting in the family hoping I wouldn't be asked to help with any of the gardening, I was sitting in my favorite chair.

It was a movie about a girl who had a crush on a boy. An older, cuter, neighbour boy. They go swimming. He works on a farm. Then she realizes he has a crush on her older sister when he helps with the groceries. Then there's an ending that really breaks your heart.

Of all the things I remember, I don't remember the name of the movie. I still think back to that day when I first saw it, how sad I was, how much I liked the characters, how much I didn't...

Then walking through Best Buy one afternoon, my eyes passed over the clearance rack. I saw a movie with a young Reese Witherspoon on the cover and I thought to myself, "Well she sure didn't have that gawky adolescent phase". As I slowly read and re-read the back cover, it dawned on me. This was the movie. The movie.

You know when there's a movie you love and you want the world to know you love it? For some reason, this one didn't. I was embarassed. What if people thougth I came in here looking for this movie? I quickly put it down and hurried out of the store like I stole something.

Random? Yes, I like to be a little random.


Anonymous said...

I like randomness.

Why are you embarassed?

AKA said...

I've always loved the movie "Only You" but no one seems to remember it, and it's not the greatest love story or anything special about in particular - you've seen a version of this a thousand times already. So I don't mention it (although, obviously I just did). But how can you resist a young Robert Downey Jr and Marisa Tomei in Venice!?! *sigh* if I could only find it on DVD...!

BanikaB said...

roohi- I don't know why I was embarassed I just was. Seriously. I even bought Because I Said So and I wasn't embarassed. It's just something about this movie. (and it's not a bad movie)

aka- See, I wouldn't mind walking into Best Buy and getting that movie! It sounds normal.

Anonymous said...

This is totally random for you.. =P

I don't buy movies..for some odd reason, I don't watch the movie once I buy it but I'll watch the same movie a million time when it comes on cable.. =S

Anonymous said...

I want to rent whatever that movie is. Time to go to IMDB and search "Reese Witherspoon." If I guess correctly will you flip me a twenty dollar bill?

Anonymous said...

Haha okay, I get it. The title of the entry is the title of the movie...I didn't realize I was this slow. But you already knew that.

Oh God.