Thursday, April 17, 2008

Super awkward randomness

Just some random thoughts, awkward things, on the super level:

- Why do all manufacturers of industrial bathroom products have two names? (ie: Kimberly Clarke, Matthes Williamson, etc)

- Have you ever played chicken with people on the sidewalk? Like staring them down until they move out of the way or until they force you to do it? I usually win, cause I'm a girl and I'm wearing heels, but I swear, there's some smaller Asian women who really give me a run for my money!

- The word "practicable". Really? I mean, really?

- I have never had milk come out of my nose but I so badly wanted it to when I was younger. Now I ever wonder why I wanted it to. Though part of my wishes I had achieved it - just so I'd know.

- I hate buying toilet paper and then making eye contact with people. It's like the minute they see you're carrying toilet paper their thoughts go to your bathroom use. And let's be honest with ourselves, as natural as the process is, random people thinking about your bathroom use is unattractive.

- For me there are really only two seasons: Wearing Socks and Not Wearing Socks. Currently, this season is Wearing Socks. But I am constantly scared that for some reason, I will have to remove my shoes and people will see my socks. This fear has resulted in me matching my socks to my outfit. Socks that no one really ever sees. I actually spend energy on this.

- I think I would be a good poker player. In general, I'm very spastic. I think it could hide my tells very well.


'liya said...

I go by your two seasons also :D

Isn't Not Wearing Socks just lovely!

Anonymous said...

I'd love to be the one to make you laugh hard enough to have milk come out of your nose lol

Anonymous said...

I had milk come out of my nose once. It was an okay experience.

Don't inhale water though--not a nice experience.

And I will always love my stripey socks. Socks with stripes. I like them.

Anonymous said...

I want a new entry.

Please and thank you.

Have a nice day.

Anonymous said...

I agree with roohi. We need a new entry. Hurry up!

Anonymous said...

"For me there are really only two seasons: Wearing Socks and Not Wearing Socks. Currently, this season is Wearing Socks. "

haha.. I can so relate to that! In winter, my feet freeze if I don't have socks on! I mostly have to wear them at home too.. not fun! And as a matter of fact I was sock-shopping today.. I hoped to buy a huge bundle that'll have all the colors but no such luck!! lol

The rest of your randomness was funny!!