Monday, February 11, 2008

Gimme a P, an R, an O...I'll finish the rest later...

I am plagued by proscrastination. (Self-induced of course, cause I'm too Type A to let anyone else force me to proscrastinate.)

I know that I have a briefing that needs to be done. I know it. But instead, I took a leisurely lunch with the girls and chatted about wedding plans. I frantically bid on (and lost) an auction for the Spice Girls "World Tour That Isn't Quite" tickets for my sister and her best friend. I tried to put myself into a sodium-induced-coma by eating too salty french fries, which didn't work. I took a nice long walk to the water cooler to drink water that tasted funny on my tongue (I think because of the high levels of sodium I just ingested). I went to the bathroom just to wash my hands. Twice. I applied lotion to my hands. Twice. I have decided to post on my blog. I'm only doing that once.

I just don't wanna write this briefing, even if is to get approval for a program that will help thousands of people get off welfare this year. Okay, well I do wanna get the approval. I just don't wanna be doing it now.

Update: I have also now peeled a clementine. If that doesn't seem like a big deal, it's cause you must not know that the smell of citrus on my skin makes me want to commit suicide. I guess this means another trip to wash my hands along with all that follows.


Anonymous said...

Me too. Not done book report. Almost though. Here I gooooooooooooooo!

Will update you in exactly one hour.

bb_aisha said...

I'm playing scrabulous on facebook & reading blogs instead of writing up stories. (I'm a radio journo) But I know I have time so I shall put it off..Procrastination is addictive

Anonymous said...

If it makes you feel any better I was supposed to have completed two constitutional law lectures, but instead I watched two episodes of "Ugly Betty", cleansed my face with an aspirin mask, and finally updated my blog. And it's 3:30am here :D

Anonymous said...

If procrastination was a course in university, I could totally teach it...

But then maybe I'd procrastinate and not prepare anything for the class :p