Friday, January 18, 2008

Workplace Etiquette

When you congratulate a co-worker on getting married, make sure they were married somewhere other than in the dream you had last night!!!!

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

It's a thing...

In a conversation with my fiancee, I had to use that phrase to explain my piont - It's a thing!

What was I explaining? Food. Well an idea of food at least. I have been ruminating on an idea for a while and I finally decide that this idea had best become a theory and part of that process involves letting people know the idea, so it can take hold as a theory. And what, exactly, is my theory on food, you ask? It's a'll know what I mean in time.

I believe that everyone (Martha Stewart included) has one food or meal or snack that they will eat, for the pure enjoyment of eating it, but will never, ever, offer it to anyone else. It's a food that they keep to themselves, not beacuse it's too good to share with anyone else. Because it's too embarassing to share with anyone else. There are just some things that you eat or the way you eat them that you can do privately, without anyone knowing and it makes it fun or enjoyable, but the idea of sharing that with someone else would be - well, could be - embarassing!

You just don't know how they would take it. Maybe they'd laugh at you, embarassing you for the choice of food you have secretly indulged for years. Maybe they'd make a face (much like the face I make when I see people eating tuna), again embarassing you for your excitement over the food. Maybe you just don't know how they'd take knowing that this is what you actually look forward to eating when you're alone - and the potential embarassment is enough to keep your mouth shut. But whether you share it with others or not, you know it's there.

My fiancee didn't quite understand what I was talking about. I had to resort to my tried and true phrase of, 'It's a thing!" - cause it is! It's a thing that people have and people do! To which he politely said, "Okay". He always was an accepting one.

I'm not sure if I'm ready to let the world, or at least the handful of my blog readers, know exactly what my "thing" food is. Sort of because it's linked to a elementary school incident where I ate a large quantity of one food and have never quite managed to live down the reputation (thank goodness no one I know now talks to my elementary school friends!). Maybe in time I"ll share it with others...maybe if others share their food with me. But know that even if you don't want to, you're not alone. It's a thing we all have.