Thursday, November 22, 2007

My Rant: Imposing cell phone etiquette

I don't understand this need for constant communication with other people. Over the past couple of days, the same people have repeatedly complained about my cell phone "habits" (I guess you would call them). Though I don't think they're my habits, so much as they are my personality.

Who made it a law that if you ever receive any form of communication (call, text, voicemail) on your cell phone, you are morally obligated to return it immediately, punishable with the threat of hours of nonsensical complaining?

Here's the situation: Sometimes, I'm in meetings. During the days, my cell is on silent and I forget to put it on vibrate. Other times, I am on the phone when you send me a text. I sleep as well. Why do you feel that because I own a cell phone that none of these things are valid reasons for me NOT answering you!?!?!?!!?

My personality is such that I don't mind not seeing my friends or speaking to friends on a daily basis. Every couple of days, weeks, in some cases months is enough. I will check and in when i check in, we catch up on each other's lives, enjoy a chat, share some funny stories. I do not need to know how many times they brushed their hair, what their garbage can smells like or the last time they did their laundry. But hey - that's just me.

What's wrong with talking to people when you need to? I am the first to admit that I'm not the role model to have when it comes to keeping in touch with people, but I make my efforts and I'm honest about it. BUT if I know I am going to see you everyday, for a good chunk of time, I don't need to also be in constant communication with you over text messages.

Now I'm getting complaints from people (well one person started it, complained to others, now they're complaining to me about it) that I don't reply ever. It's like if I don't have the same habits of being glued to my phone as they do, then I'm rude.

I feel like if it's really necessary to speak to me, uregntly, about something, give me a call at work. Otherwise, it can wait. I try to keep updated on the calls, the voicemails and the texts I receive, but if you're flooding my inbox with useless stuff when I'm at work, out with other people, running errands or carrying grocery bags, then have the courtesy to wait for a response when it's convenient.

Having a cell phone does not mean that you must be at the beck and call of the people who have your contact information. It means that it is easier to get in contact with a person. The rules that apply for a landline shoudl apply for a cell phone - and if you tell me that you have caller ID and have never avoided a call then you must be Martha Stewart like and it's kinda creepy.

Even after all this, it hasn't changed anything. That person will continue telling people that I selfishly use other people, people will still complain to me, I will have to choose whether to give in to them or tell them off, but for now, I just say screw it.


Anonymous said...

Hi Anika,

Just came to check your blog...haven't done that for a while. =D

Anonymous said...

Oh BanikaB, I love you ever so much. Just to show it I gave you 12 hugs on that click-a-hug thing you have on your blog (why 12? Because I got tired of clicking and thought I'd get back to an actual comment).

THIS IS MY ARGUMENT EVERY SINGLE TIME!!! I tend to forget to keep my cell on me, mostly because I'm always in a rush and forget to keep it with me, or because it's on silent from when I've been in class and I forget about it. I have one friend here, who despite seeing me pretty much all day, every day, insists on calling/text/msn'ing/telepathically messaging me all the time!! WHAT COULD YOU POSSIBLY HAVE LEFT TO SAY WOMAN!?! I JUST WALKED IN THE DOOR AFTER HAVING DINNER WITH YOU AND YOU ARE CALLING ME!!! ARE YOU HAVING A REACTION TO THE FOOD? DID YOU LOSE YOUR WATCH WHERE WE ATE? IS THERE AN INTRUDER IN YOUR APARTMENT? I'M 5 DOORS AWAY, I'D HAVE HEARD YOU SNEEZE LET ALONE SCREAM!!!!


I have composed myself once again. As you can see, this complaint of not having my cell on me all the time and of the need to keep in contact irks me, just a tad. I've never been that person to call someone everyday either. Family I talk to everyday, well, because they call. But friends, weeks can go by before I think to communicate with anyone through any means. Not that I don't want to, I just don't need to!

Oy, I could go on, but this would become my own post within a post!

'liya said...

That's why I don't have a cell phone (anymore), I find them more annoying than useful. But then maybe I'm just a really lazy person because it's hard for me to reply to emails too. *sigh*

Anonymous said...

I used to be good at keeping in touch with people.

I'm not anymore.

I have my cell phone, but I'm not constantly checking it anymore.

I don't like going on the computer much anymore unless I'm really really really bored or I need to check my e-mail.

I've become a loner.

Anonymous said...

It didn't show the entire nickname!!!

Now I'm sad.

Ok fine, I'm lying.

I'm gonna go now.


Humz said...

I hear ya! I find cell phones very overrated.

bb_aisha said...

I empathise. With me, if I don't feel like answering, I don't. I'll return the call when I'm in the mood to talk. When I'm reading a good book especially, I'll rarely answer my phone.
My family finds it highly irritating that I won't even answer the house phone.
As for text msgs, I usually reply immediately, or I may delay it, but I do reply.

Cellphones are convenient, but they can also be a invasion of space. I tell people only to call between 10am & 10pm. Three male friends all have this habit of calling after 11pm, & usually around 1am. I'm a chronic insomniac, so I'm usually awake to take the call. But sometimes even though I'm awake I still don't answer.

And if a person texts & I eply, & then they call, I'll still ignore it if I feel like it:-)