Monday, June 18, 2007

Just one of those days...

You know those days when it feels like everything sucks? This day was one of them. I just never seemed to get into the groove of working. I couldn't appreciate the fact that I had absolutely nothing to do. I wanted coffee but never went to get it. I wanted frozen yogourt but never went to get it. And in general, I ignored everyone who walked by my door.

Then I did this little exercise. I listed all the good things about my day and all the bad. My list looks something like this:


1. I will be eating Chinese food for lunch. With a Coke. Mmmmm.

2. I got to work so early that the early people asked me if they were late

3. I found $40 in the subway

4. My writer's block is gone (I managed to write that thing I had to write in 20 minutes and it seems pretty good!)

5. I ate a yummy ice cream cone

6. I have one of the few sprinkler systems for my floor in my office


1. I found a big black tar spot on my NEW, SUPER CUTE American Ealge shoes. Did I mention they were NEW AND SUPER CUTE???

This is a before my sadness picture

2. The unfriendly women I work with that I had to ride the elevator with twice today

3. I hate my new office (though it is bigger with more stuff)

4. I keep thinking about how not nice it must feel to lose $40 in the subway

So as you can see, my day has had more good than bad. But it's still one of those blah days. I think I may just be overly tired. I desperately want my manager to leave early so I can leave early, but he came in late so I think he'll be leaving late.

This is a post out of pure boredom. Maybe I'll post some pictures. Yes. That'll be exciting. Oh god, I'm boeing myself with this post and I'm writing it!

Excuse me, I have to go stab myself with paperclip now to distract myself.

Thursday, June 14, 2007


Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, writer's block sucks!

Especially if you're in a job where you need to write.

But it's worse if you know exactly what you need to write, the thoughts are formulated, the arguments are laid out, and verbal presetation prepared. Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy???

It needs to be written. Soon. It needs to be approved. Soon. It needs to be implemented in the field. NOW. Well, really six months ago, but I just got it yesterday, so - NOW.

All this pressure cause of stupids words that I need to string together to make some policy change. But I know what it should be and the change depends on my delivery. But my delivery sucks cause I can't find the right combination of words, the right order and the right context!

I need one of those squishy stress balls for my office. I can't keep making this face at my computer screen. People are gonna think I'm strange.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Some pictures...

From my time in Thunder Bay.
(the North Bay trip was a bust)

This was the airport (no joke)

Also the airport.

We saw this taking off...over and over again. I think they were doing test runs.

The view flying over the city.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

You've got to be kidding me...

I'm in North Bay. I'm staying at a hotel with apparently the most beautiful view of the bay. I'm walking distance from the waterfront. I'm attending a forum at a location with some of the nicest walking trails and pockets of water in the province.

It rains. From the minute we get off our airplane to the minute we walk into the building of the forum. No views, no waterfront, no walks, nothing.

But the upside was, we (myself and the other two ladies attending the forum with me) heard that the weather should clear up.

And then it SNOWED!

No joke. Not like little fluffy puffs of snow. This was thick, wet, stick to windows kinda snow! Outta no where! And the geniuses we were, we all wore sandals.

This morning it cleared up a bit, so the three of us being the naice Torontonians that we were, again hoped we would get to see some of natural beauty of the city.

Then we saw the funnel clouds. A whole row of them. Across the sky.

Seeing nature today before our flight this afternoon? Not bloody likely.